Symphony of a dead love


fragility of which frightens,

that longing to be loved

or held.


does it exist for skeptics like me?

the happily ever  after or

knights in shining armour;

sublime thoughts such as these.


a mirage of ecstasy..

wrecked with time;

delusions of mad men ,

a touch of chimera.

© Toothfairy,2017.

Reveries of a stranger

Met a poet on the road

an ardor in those eyes..

traipsing about in the summer sky

in search of  his paradise.

Out lander that stranger; with his twisted smile..

trudging across  alleys, the wind by his side.

I thought I heard him call my name,

turned around..and to my dismay..

a bare passage  into the oblivion;

greets my delirious gaze.

© Toothfairy,2016






Growing by the day

It’s the start of another year..and I cant help but realize that I’m growing older by the day;  Not a very nice feeling .To top it all you have  people advising you about” ageing” and your biological clock “ticking”.

But ageing isn’t just about getting a year older. It’s about growing as an individual..learning..teaching..and getting the uncanny taste of life.

One of the many things that growing up taught me  is that everything is ephemeral. Everything.. wealth,love,friends,family, it and its there on the list!

Growing up taught me about the thin line between good and bad..that shade of grey ; which isn’t just the color of the crayon I used for cloudy days..  but also the color for the unexplained and that maybe its best to leave some things along that thin line.

It taught me not everyone who comes into your life deserves to stay and not everyone whose life you enter may want you there either. And so…I learnt when to time  my goodbyes.

Amidst all this ..the best lesson growing up taught me was never to expect. Expectations.. from anyone and anything..and however difficult learning  that was..I think it was worth the effort. Who would have thought a word as beautiful as hope could  also make us so miserable.

Each day brings me a lesson , leaves a memory and I am thankful for them.. that the best part of ageing..isnt it? also taught me that your metabolism slows down with the years! that was very painful to learn.VERY.